Let AI build your
SaaS product
Ship your idea in days, not weeks, with Databutton:
the world's first fully AI app developer.
What people are saying
Join other people that are building businesses using Databutton.
I've always had app concepts that I wasn't able to carry over the goal line due to my lack of full stack experience. Databutton and the team behind it has been a boon.
I would say this is quite possibly the most non-developer enabled no-code builder I've ever come across.
Databutton is an incredible platform. I 100% couldn't build an application like this without it.
I'm a former anti-no-code-ai-guy, this has for sure changed my mind.
Databutton has broken a barrier for me. I can take all the thinking I've done and turn it into a real app within hours.
Databutton is accelerating the development of end-to-end AI solutions for healthcare.
Honestly this platform is my best find of 2024, absolutely 10/10.
I'm not a programmer and I'm trying to build my own MVP. I had a "wow" moment with Databutton, love the product so much already.
Excellent platform to prototype ideas in no time, but what makes Databutton exceptional is that the team behind it – they truly connect and offer endless help to their customers.
You prompt. AI codes.
Describe what you want. Use natural language, screenshots, or diagrams to get React UIs built by AI.
Get started
HTML5 Icon
Power your product with any service
No idea is too big. Connect your app to any API or model to realize its full potential.
Open AI
Generate complex APIs
Prompt Databutton to build Python APIs that scrape websites, fetch data across systems, and more.
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HTML5 Icon
Ship value to your customers continuously.
We handle the security and infrastructure for you.
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Bespoke Apps
Check out examples from the Databutton team.
Chris Wright believes the marketing agency is dead, so he's rebuilding it as a SaaS product - on his own.
The founder of London-based marketing agency Fifty Five and Five is sprinting ahead with the fundamental shift AI is bringing, transforming his agency into a leading AI-driven MarTech SaaS. And he is doing it in a way no one has been able to before.
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Whether you're an indie hacker building a micro SaaS or an existing business delivering online, we have a plan that fits just what you need.
Each AI code generation costs 1 credit.
75 Credits / mo
Indie Hacker
$20 / mo
200 Credits / mo
Solo User
$50 / mo
1 000 Credits / mo
Team Collaboration
$200 / mo
4 300 Credits / mo
Unlimited Collaboration
$800 / mo
Buy Additional Credits
75 Credits
200 Credits
500 Credits
Do I need to bring my own model/LLM key(s) to use Databutton?
No, not to use the Databutton AI app developer! We're always evaluating the best models available for the agentic framework you interact with in Databutton and associated costs are covered in your Databutton credit usage.
What if I want to make an AI-driven app?
If you want to build an app utilising a model or service (e.g. GPT-4, ElevenLabs, etc.), you will either need to bring your own API key/secrets for use in your application or request an API key/secrets from your application’s users.
Who owns my app’s code and IP?
You own your code and IP. Databutton is a facilitator in realising your big idea; we do not have any claim to your IP. We host your code on our service in order to make it easy to iterate, deploy, and provide a more on-rails experience.
How does deployment and hosting work?
We provide a 1-click deploy experience to [username].databutton.app/[appname]. We also support deployment to custom domains. We provide this for convenience and ease of use. If you want to deploy on your infrastructure, you can reach out to us.